Mediamark y Samsung lanzan una exposición de arte digital, acción asesorada por RedCollectors

Mediamark and Samsung launch a digital art exhibition, an action advised by RedCollectors

Dec 19, 2022

MediaMarkt, with the aim of bringing technology closer to people through unique and innovative experiences, launches the first digital art exhibition.

The exhibition, which can be visited and participated in for free from this December until next February in its TechVillage, features an installation consisting of more than 25 Samsung The Frame televisions to display the digital works of art.

The action has been developed together with the consultancy SuperReal, responsible for other initiatives such as MetaMarkt in Fortnite or the company's Virtual TownHalls, with advice from RedCollectors for the artistic part and art director Mauricio Tonon for the creation of the different Christmas themes with Artificial Intelligence.

At RedCollectors we are committed to digital art every day. As part of our commitment, on our website we have a diverse collection of NFTs, a must-have in digital art. Digital assets that are revolutionizing the art market, creating a new culture of collecting thanks to blockchain technology that grants the authenticity of the work to each artist.

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Suleiman Lopez

SPACE 02 NFT, 2021
About Suleiman Lopez

Solimán López was born in Burgos (Spain) in 1981. He is a contemporary artist specializing in art, science, sociology and technology.

Founder of the Harddiskmuseum, the bio-cryptocurrency OLEA and director of Innovation at ESAT.
His artistic practice includes works with artificial intelligence, biotechnology, blockchain, 3D and interactives.
Her work has been exhibited internationally at events, art centers and museums including OI Futuro - Digital Art Biennial in Brazil, ZKM Karlsruhe (Germany), the Chronus Art Chronus (Shanghai), the Centre Pompidou (France), the Hermitage in St. Petersburg (Russia), the Art Center Nabi-ISEA19 (South Korea), Ars Santa Monica (Spain), Biennale Nemo Paris (France), Nuit Blanche Paris (France), CAC Malaga (Spain), CCCC Valencia (Spain), CAB Burgos (Spain), CEART Fuenlabrada (Spain), Es Baluard Mallorca (Spain), Cigarreras Alicante (Spain), IVAM Valencia (Spain), MACBA Buenos Aires, Parque Explora Medellin (Colombia), Museo, Exploratorio Bogota (Colombia), CODAME Festival (Los Angeles), Ukrainian Digital Art Biennial, Expo Dubai 20 at the Spanish Pavilion, Sonar Plus, Ars Electronica Garden 22, among others. This October alone, he will participate in the Colombian Image Festival from the 17th to the 21st, the 8th Edition of Barcú from the 25th to the 30th, and also in the Karachi Digital Art Biennial on the 30th .
Solimán also gives workshops and talks at universities, conferences and symposiums such as UFSM in Brazil, the Carlos III University of Madrid, the Google Campus in Madrid, the UPV in Valencia, the Bancaja Foundation, the Injuve, TEDx Valladolid, the University of Cuenca, the National University of Córdoba, Argentina, MediaLab Prado, Madrid or Technarte Bilbao, Paris College of Art or Royal College London, for example.

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