Constructing an imaginary
The creation of an imaginary always presupposes the construction of a visual stratification, of a scene of action in which elements interact with each other. It is interesting to note in this sense how etymologically the word originally indicated a covered, closed, protected place, the opposite, therefore, of the idea of the scene that we have today, considered as a place of opening, of exposition, of manifestation. However, the cover has the function of protecting the cruel delicacy of what is being staged and it is impossible not to consider the scene as a pattern of frames aimed at showing only what is chosen to be shown. A structured imaginary, therefore, exhibits all its aesthetic complexity in the inextricable interweaving that arises from the dialectic that exists between the layers at play within it. The imaginaries in this exhibition can be considered as two-dimensional scenic treasures that praise, each in its own way and each according to the visceral artistic search that distinguishes the stainless and delicate labyrinth formed by the parts of these visual scenarios and their fleeting balance, the rhythmic use of tenacious and graceful allegories, based on the profound investigation of spatiality and color. Thus, it is thus that, passing through the proscenium that it gives us, we arrive at that liminal and intangible non-place that springs from the perennial and reverberant dialogue that is established between the eye and the multifaceted immensity of these two-dimensional imaginaries.
Gioele Amaro
Guy Yanai
SHEIDA Soleimani
Arrideshir Tabrizi
Moffat Takadiwa