“The Shortest Night” is a collective exhibition organized by the Aural Gallery and NF/NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ and its collaborative proposal opens a dialogue between artists from both galleries around the idea of transformation in creative, artistic and vital processes. As an effort to energize new forms of production and exhibition of art, the exhibition is carried out transversally and concomitantly between the three venues of the galleries in Madrid and Alicante with works exhibited organically between them, taking conceptual and aesthetic criteria above the representation of the galleries as a real exercise of institutional synergy. “The Shortest Night” delves into transformation as a process of transmutation and resignification, considering the hard times we are living in and trying to reference the traditions of San Juan, when the old and obsolete are burned to make way for the new, renewed and transformed. In this sense, the pieces respond to the proposal by having undergone some transformation or by representing it conceptually in a way both voluntary and involuntary.