‘Breathing Space’


To coincide, as the last rays of light of the sunset and the first beam of the moon at night coincide, in an instant when it is neither day nor night, when the boundaries are blurred and only a world of possibilities remains. Thus the ranges, tones and shades of Eric Cruikshank and Michael Craik coincide, making colour a universe in itself and inviting the viewer to become part of it. Both originally from and based in Scotland, the influence of the landscape plays a vital role in the conception of their works. Craik and Eric Cruikshank invite us to become part of the work, to make it our own and let ourselves be embraced by it. The artists encourage us to read them from the calm and stillness that emanate from creations that are the fruit of months of work. A visual pulse that takes us away from the frenzy of everyday life and invites us to leave the rush aside, to breathe deeply and dedicate a few minutes to observation and introspection. In short, to recover “seeing” and not just “looking”.