During the conquest, Spain introduced a new cosmogony in Latin America, displaced Father Sun and imposed a new father god who was part of a holy trinity. The colonizing processes caused the fusion of beliefs and cultures in which, like any graft, over time, a unique and peculiar organism is produced: Latin America and its faith have not been alien to this. But more recent cosmogonies have emerged, sometimes on the same street that one lives on. In 2016, I was lucky enough to meet Alfa y Omega who, through their founder Antonio Córdova Quezada, have guarded more than 4,000 rolls of paper with original writings and drawings, which were dictated telepathically to the Chilean citizen Luis Soto Romero in the 1970s. In a utopia that is born from the tearing apart, when darkness falls upon the Chilean nation, Julio Soto Romero is speaking of a transition of the planet, which will turn it into a paradise planet, far from the imperialism of the United States, according to the cosmology of Alpha and Omega, the son of God has become man on 3 occasions:

-Moses who ended the Pharaonic era. (Old Testament).

-Jesus who ended the Romanesque era. (New Testament).

-Luís Soto Romero who has come to put an end to the North American era. (Latin American Testament or Latin American Bible).

The telepathic scrolls were dictated to Luis Soto Romero by Father Solar himself in the 1970s, in a Chilean context where a right-wing dictatorship had been established by a military coup, as in many countries in the region. These telepathic scrolls, which I have called "The Latin American Bible", spread a disruptive philosophy called "celestial communism with a child's thought", which is why Luis Soto Romero would leave his homeland for Peru, where the military coup had imposed a reformist and anti-imperialist social dictatorship. The mysticism of the telepathic scrolls is absolute, above all because it is written in a secret time that only the one who writes and draws knows, proposing a look to the future but returning from a look at the past, not only because the solar figure reappears as an axis again without abandoning the Christian one brought by the conquerors, but because in its superposition of longings that in the sacred science and religion are harmonized, possibly closer to the era of the Holy Spirit. After some conversations with Antonio Cordova Quezada, he allowed me access to a selection of original rolls, which he himself made. This selection of telepathic rolls were translated into sounds using a modern version of the Soviet ANS synthesizer, with which we obtained a sound score of “The Telepathic Rolls” or “Latin American Bible”. On August 22, 2016, in a joint work with the musical group Vluba (experimental-ufological electronics), the sound score was performed as a ritual, in the middle of the Chilca desert, since it is a point of extraterrestrial contact used since the 70s. The ritual was composed of a series of mystical elements used in communication rituals such as fire, cactus and magic stones, mounted on a special geometry. The sounds of the Latin American Bible were performed in a ritual similar to a cosmic liturgy, and all the sound was sent in real time via a radio signal, so that we could symbolically generate contact with the creator. A few minutes after the transmission, a character appeared at a nearby gas station that the press would call the “Humanoid of Pachacamac.” Later investigations showed that the supposed alien was actually a balloon with the face of Bugs Bunny inverted, with its corresponding symbolism that we assumed was the answer.