‘Infinite emptiness, constant transmutation’
Alicia Torres, who already exhibited her last exhibition at Espacio Refugio, is presenting her series 'Vacío infinito, transmutación constante' in the Main Room of Galería Shiras through 21 works. A project curated by Guillermo Moreno Mirallas in which the pictorial and the alchemical come together as a creative strategy, standing out for a chromatic production without pigments produced by oxidation obtained through research and experimentation. For the exhibition, Shiras has edited a catalogue with the collaboration of the curator G. Moreno who defines the project as: "An imaginary world in which the artist invites us to look in and answer our own questions about what the landscape is, what its essence is and, above all, where it ends, even more, if it is possible for the landscape to exist without a gaze that reaffirms it."