'Feed the feed'


Social media has become one of the main channels for socializing within our society, with such power that it influences, among other things, the way we present ourselves and also how we look at the world around us. We are consumers and producers of images, which we search for and collect for Feed the Feed.
This influence of the network brings us closer to fashions, objects and concepts that are socially accepted as beautiful and therefore deserving of a place in our feed. But even when they are beautiful, there are trends in the way we group objects to capture the perfect image.
Even when the image or reality is not adequate, the use of filters to dignify some realities that we do not like on their own because they do not respond to the canons of beauty of the moment.
The common protagonists of the photos are very diverse, such as food, which has become another character within the networks, or ourselves, when we project our ideal self through selfies.