No ouvid has labirintos and Cristais / in the ear there are labyrinths and crystals ''
In the Ear There Are Labyrinths and Crystals (No ouvido há labirintos e cristais) is the second solo exhibition by Dalila Gonçalves (Castelo de Paiva, Portugal, 1982) at the Galería Rafael Ortiz in Seville. This exhibition focuses on the perceptual relationships between the different works or devices that compose it (predominantly a strong installed presence), with the spectator being, inevitably and necessarily, the main link between them.
Dalila Gonçalves Exhibition
Dalila Gonçalves
2.723 €
Dalila Gonçalves
2.723 €
Dalila Gonçalves
5.445 €
Dalila Gonçalves
4.840 €
Dalila Gonçalves
1.815 €