Psyche was the name given in ancient Greece to the first breath, breath or breath that a human being inhales at birth, which was the same that leaves him at the moment of death. Psyches can then be conceived as those shaken souls or wandering spirits, as those fantasies or imaginations that attach themselves to living bodies and detach themselves from dead bodies. But psyche is also the name given to the pupa that breaks the skeleton of the chrysalis and becomes a butterfly, in the drawing of its wings. The Greeks called butterflies psyches, and Psyche was also the name of the wife of Eros, who the Romans would later symbolize as a winged young woman. We have then that the term psyche responds to a whole series of realities or concepts, all of them, moreover, difficult to represent due to their evident instability. In short, psyches are those manifestations of living bodies that cannot be described because in their fleeting nature or immateriality one barely has time to contemplate them.
Daniel Verbis Exhibition
4.840 €
4.840 €
4.840 €
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