'Faded. RESIDENCE ARTIST I. A.I.R. Remote, Svedje (sweden) ',


The pace of life of the hypermodern subject makes us question his human singularity, where his existential condition is strained between being an individual and part of a mass at the same time. His diffuse and almost non-existent identity wanders through non-places, collective and transit spaces such as subways, airports, highways, but paradoxically in such a solitary way that it seems to be his condemnation. Chromatic subjectivities are blurred in straight lines that transcend his daily transit, reproducing a culture that has become present in all the great cities of the world.

The work of Chilean artist Felipe Lavín (Santiago de Chile, 1987) shows us the reflection of a dehumanized society where the individual loses his identity more and more every day and his life is absorbed by the hyperconnectivity granted by globalization and technological advances. Condemned to bear the burden of worldly problems, he ends up forgetting his own concerns and relationships with his closest circle, thus fading his own identity.

Felipe Lavin Exhibition

Felipe Lavin

17.787 €

Felipe Lavin

16.396 €

Felipe Lavin

9.922 €

Felipe Lavin

9.922 €

Felipe Lavin

9.922 €

Felipe Lavin

8.833 €

Felipe Lavin

6.171 €