We have the great pleasure of informing you of our last exhibition of the year, which will be led by JAVIER TORICES.
I think that almost all of you who follow us know his work first hand, but for new followers I will tell you that he is an artist who captures emotion like no one else, in this case the emotion we feel when we are in front of the sea, its peace, calm, relaxation and sometimes restlessness when the sea, as in the case of the Cantabrian Sea, unleashes its fury and offers us its version of rough seas, huge waves that break with force on the cliffs and rocks and display unparalleled beauty.
Well, Javier Torices, who has just presented a very important institutional exhibition at Casa de Vacas, in the Retiro district of Madrid, with record number of visitors and endless queues, is once again exhibiting on the walls of his Asturian gallery for all of you and will be present at its inauguration to talk to us about the process of his unparalleled technique and will give us a short guided tour of the exhibition, answering all your questions.
Sometimes, we feel that we need to look at the sea to feel that we are at home. Torices' works, due to their unparalleled realism and technique, manage to open a window to the sea in the homes of many of our collectors who live in inland cities, feeling when looking at them the unparalleled emotion of being in front of the sea and all that it implies in terms of serene or disturbing beauty.
In any case, be sure to stop by the gallery. Seeing his work is always a reason to celebrate and having one in your collection is a source of great joy.
Javier Torices Exhibition
10.450 €
4.290 €