‘Archimetric. Stories of a continuous rebirth ’
The METRO gallery presents the exhibition 'Archimétrica. Historias de un continuo renacer', by the artist José Luis Serzo. The exhibition brings together elements produced by the artist for his first short film, as well as others created for its visual development. Produced and exhibited by the CAB in Burgos in 2020, ARCHIMÉTRICA was awarded and nominated in several international festivals, including the Best Creative Vision Award at the International Thai Film Festival 2020, the Best Photography Award at the MosFilmFest 2020 in Moscow and the Best Actress Award at the New York True Film Festival 2020. An existential space, built on this occasion from subtle references to Suprematism or the Bauhaus, in which a kind of transcendental events take place in a unique microworld of squares, triangles, set squares, set squares,... and also chickens.
Jose Luis Serzo Exhibition
33.880 €
9.075 €
2.178 €
3.872 €
1.573 €
2.299 €
3.872 €
2.178 €
1.331 €
9.680 €
2.057 €