Juan Genovés was a tireless defender of the importance of Culture for the whole society and the great responsibility that all of us who participate in it have. In the difficult times we are going through, his figure will always be synonymous with unity and solidarity, values ​​that he tirelessly repeated in his most powerful vehicle: painting.

Juan was always very aware of the power of art to share emotions and transform the viewer, but for him painting was a completely personal experience, a way of processing his memories and concerns. And yet, as so often happens with the great masters, his art, however personal – and even precisely because of that – managed to move and inspire deeply all of us who had the privilege of sharing it.

I will be eternally grateful for the trust he showed in me, in my gallery and in my criteria, allowing me the luxury of taking his works with me to all the fairs, national and international, of organizing monographic and collective exhibitions with him, and of being part of incredible exclusive projects such as his series Genovés + Genovés that unites his painting with the brilliant photographs of Pablo who, together with his sisters, has followed his father into the wonderful world of art, reminding us that his legacy extends beyond his work.

Juan Genovés Exhibition

John Genoves
John Genoves

2.420 €

John Genoves
John Genoves

1.573 €

Juan Genovés

15.000 €

John Genoves

26.862 €

John Genoves
John Genoves

1.573 €

John Genoves
John Genoves

1.200 €

John Genoves
John Genoves

16.335 €