‘Above all things’
The set of works presented at Reiners Contemporary Art proposes a polyphony and formal diversity that crosses multiple cultures and eras (Ancient Greece, China, Japan, Europe, America), suggesting a dialogue between its commonly used objects and a crossing of worlds where the experience of fragility, loss, care and the effort of conservation transcends or accompanies the passage of time. The installation for Reiners Contemporary Art brings together four series of works that are part of the 'broken things' project: 'Broken things' and 'Nomadic patterns' - ceramics. 'Broken things' - mixed technique (intervened photography). 'Remains' - mixed technique (photography fragments, gold thread, gold leaf) 'Amphora (study)' - ceramics.
Livia Marin Exhibition
2.208 €
2.208 €
3.575 €
2.263 €
1.464 €
1.863 €
1.863 €
1.863 €