Silence and metamorphosis in "The imperfect herbarium"
Like Zen verses, Marta Sánchez Marco's pieces place first that which goes unnoticed on the walk if we are not "awake": the minimal, the transitory, the incomplete, the fleeting... Hence, in Francisco Loscos y Bernal's treatise: Serie imperfecta de las plantas aragonesas imposibles (1867), Marta found a reflection of her feeling towards nature, since she too refuses to encompass the infinite mosaic of parts that constitutes life.
The device has a double quality: introspective (meditative) and critical (with respect to environmental deterioration). It is an open route that invites visitors to take a silent, non-hierarchical walk among the exhibited elements, like a horizontal score. Visitors can let themselves be guided by their own motivations and intuitions, just as they would when visiting a historical museum or on a country walk.