Strategic redundancy zone


The Strategic Zone of Redundancy exhibition is the third solo exhibition by Rubén Rodrigo (Salamanca, 1980) at the Fernando Pradilla Gallery.
On this occasion, the artist has worked with the architectural space of the rooms of the
gallery: its lintels, the opening of its doors, its corners and the height of its ceilings to
to build not only the spatial arrangement of the works, but even the shape of the
frames; in this way, and as if it were a site-specific work, Rubén establishes a game between the rigidity of architecture and the flexibility and voluptuousness of painting.
Six new large-format canvases are presented in which Rodrigo continues his
research on the “soak painting” technique using very thin layers of oil that shape the shape and colour of his paintings.
As the critic Carlos Delgado Mayordomo explains very well, “Rubén Rodrigo's work is a direct heir to the modernist tradition, understood as a process of purification of that which is not essential to the pictorial medium, that is, imitation or literature. […]
Rodrigo also pays attention to the achievements that were devalued by modernism, such as symbolic intention, stage presence, time recording or dimension.
transcendental of the image.”
The new exhibition thus redounds on these aspects, both symbolic and those that
They are properly pictorial, the surface, the color, the brushstroke, and the support that,
Interacting with the architectural space, they provide an aesthetic experience that reflects Rodrigo's artistic maturity.