‘Four series’


Bernardino Sánchez Bayo (Granada, 1978) presents for the first time his series LIVE OR DIE in which his compositions make us reflect on “the thin line between life and death”. Subtle messages through each brushstroke, each created image, each word, which the artist uses as another plastic resource, and in which the viewer completes the meaning of the works through their interpretation. Guillermo Oyágüez (Málaga, 1970), exhibits for this occasion a selection of works from his series UN VIAJE DE 50 AÑOS. In this “journey” he brings together known places and lived situations. Themes such as the sea, present in almost all his works, travel, caravans and Netflix. Luca Freschi (Bologna, Italy, 1982) who exhibits his ceramics for the first time in a Spanish gallery presents the series BREVIARIO. A large-format installation, made during the year of the pandemic, made up of very colorful works with a pop “air” and that create a dialogue between two objects. The title "Breviary" as in literature, refers to an extract, a small collection of ideas, it is as if these works were a summary of all his work. The black and white photographs by Rafa Fernández (Liège, Belgium, 1966), belonging to the series entitled AMERICAN WAY, take us to the purest North America through the photographer's road trips in the style of other big names such as Robert Frank or Garry Winogrand.