Since the early 1980s, both the concept of Measure/Measurement and the various concepts of Time have been topics of constant reflection that Concha Jerez has addressed in her work from different angles.
The exhibition that the artist will hold at the Freijo Gallery in Madrid between September 9 and November 2, 2021, features the presentation of a selection of pieces focused on the relationship between these concepts as TIME MEASUREMENTS.
We would like to point out that many of the works presented here originated from installations or interventions carried out by Concha Jerez for specific places in various parts of the world, from which pieces have emerged as residues of these. It should also be noted that in the elaboration of many of the works, the author has carried out various actions, mostly private, whose residues have been integrated into their elaboration.
Thus, pieces such as TIME LIMIT INTERIOR (1986-88), MEASURE (1983-86), RESIDUES OF BROKEN UTOPIAS (1994-99) and TEMPUS (1984-89), have their origin in Installations made on the first date indicated in parentheses, while in XM3 DE CIUDAD REAL (1991-97), WALKING BETWEEN and IN MEMORY OF... (2006-21) they arise from private actions carried out by the artist, although in many of those mentioned both methods of realization are involved. Finally, as a common thread of the exhibition, Concha Jerez will carry out two specific Interventions in the Gallery: BETWEEN SELF-CENSORED WRITINGS (2021) and WALKING BETWEEN LETTERS (2021).