"Ear hate"


Diego Del Pozo Barriuso participates in Abierto Valencia with the exhibition “Oído Odio” , which has been curated by Eduardo García Nieto.
“OÍDO ODIO”, a solo exhibition by Diego del Pozo Barriuso, shows for the first time the film “OÍDO ODIO” which, together with sculptures, photographs and drawings, addresses the problems of the materiality of hate and proposes the need to produce other imaginaries to continue to deal with its problems and attend to its constant and sticky circulation.
Diego del Pozo's work is motivated by the choreographies of gestures, by the forms of emotions, affections, as well as by the politics and economies that shape them. His processes are connected with love, shame, fear, and in this exhibition he continues to act on the potentialities of other imaginaries to address them.