‘30 +7 Anniversary Exhibition ’
As in previous years, Aurora Vigil-Escalera Galería de Arte opens 2022 with its traditional Anniversary Exhibition. A collective exhibition that celebrates the 7 fruitful years of this space, founded in January 2015, and the 30 years that its predecessor, the Van Dyck Art Gallery, has been at the forefront of the cultural scene in Asturias. Open from January 28 to March 28, '30 + 7' is a tribute to the career of Aurora Vigil-Escalera and to the artists who have accompanied her over the years. Artists who dedicate their production to very varied themes, research and artistic manifestations, but who find their common ground through serious, rigorous and committed work with Contemporary Art from their respective disciplines. This plurality aims to respond to a sector in constant change and facilitate access to Culture for the entire public, whether from the headquarters in Gijón, the showroom in Madrid, national and international fairs and an important online presence.