Marlena Kudlicka - Elements of Peaceful Engagemet double
Técnica: Acero con recubrimiento en polvo, cristal.
Biografía del Artista: Kudlicka is particularly interested in the relationship between precision and error: her sculptures are made with a jeweler’s precision, but at the same time an error is factored into the process of their creation. This relationship leads to a balance—the main theme of her works —not only between, for example, numbers and the written word, or dimensions and color, but also the balance of weights. Kudlicka’s sculptures are based on statistical calculations, which is why they seem to float on air, and why we doubt the force of gravity when looking at them, or walk around them on tiptoes. Just as Katarzyna Kobro, the forerunner of Polish avant-garde art, Kudlicka also derives her sculptures from architecture. Kudlicka refers to the peripheral areas of architecture, as well as to the construction process. Language is also a key element in Kudlicka’s work; the title is always an integral part of her art. Friedrich Meschede writes that "Focusing on the title reveals a crucial core of Marlena Kudlicka’s work. She refers to concrete poetry, a term that can be ascribed to both literature and the fine arts, which transforms the flowing transitions between the medium of language, its visualization using letters as a pictorial form, and sounds as concepts of rhythm into a complex system. The rigid guidelines of grammar turn into a new order through a playful disregard of grammatical regularity. The combinatorics of opposites, and elements that would not initially be thought of as going together, is the technique of collage used for concrete poetry. The vocabulary of construction creates the surprise.” Some of her most recent exhibitions include the group show at MACBA (Buenos Aires Contemporary Museum), a solo presentation at ŻAK | BRANICKA and at La BF15 Lyon, as well as at the MWW (Wroclaw Contemporary Museum) in Poland. Marlena Kudlicka was born in Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland, in 1973. She lives and works in Berlin.
Esta obra incluye un certificado de autenticidad. Un certificado de autenticidad es un documento de una fuente autorizada que verifica el valor de autentificación de la obra de arte. El certificado puede estar firmado por el autor de la obra, por la galería representante o por el grabador que colaboró con el artista en la obra.
La información que suele incluir un certificado de autenticidad es: nombre del artista, detalles de la obra (título, fecha, soporte, dimensiones) y una imagen de la misma.
- Mantener las obras de arte alejadas de la luz directa del sol y de cualquier otra fuente de calor (calefacción, aire acondicionado, etc.) Evitar colgar las obras cerca de zonas con humo y contaminación (como chimeneas o cocinas). Te aconsejamos proteger los cuadros con un marco de cristal.
- Evitar las alteraciones bruscas de temperatura. Se recomienda conservar las obras pictóricas en zonas con temperatura ambiente de entre 18-20º y un 50% de humedad relativa.
- Si se quiere iluminar la obra de forma permanente, aconsejamos utilizar focos de luz fría. Utilizar un plumero suave para la limpieza periódica de la obra. Nunca usar limpiador doméstico.
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