Art for Children - Charity Auction for the ANAR Foundation
Nov 16, 2021
Art for childhood
Online art auction to benefit the ANAR Foundation
Madrid, September 9, 2020.
COVID-19 has meant an extraordinary effort for the ANAR Foundation, which has had to adapt its ways of working to the situation of confinement and subsequent de-escalation. During this time, when no one could access the privacy of their home, ANAR managed to respond (first through the ANAR CHAT due to the security it represented thanks to its confidentiality and later with all its Lines) to 21,912 requests for help from children and adolescents.
Violence during that period, and up to the present, has continued to grow: from 36.1% in March to 53.5% last July.
Facing this reality and having managed to help these children has meant a great effort, both human and economic, for the ANAR Foundation to adapt to teleworking (obtaining the necessary technology to guarantee the confidentiality and rigor required by the extreme sensitivity of the data of minors and our care protocols), the provision of care rooms or the reinforcement of the teams.

Juan Cuenca
ST, 2012
To support ANAR's work during the coronavirus emergency, the Spanish online art advice and purchasing platform RedCollectors is organizing the first online charity auction of art galleries through its Instagram account to benefit the Foundation.
Elisa Hernando , founder of Redcollectors, says that “The auction has been made possible thanks to the generosity of the most prestigious art galleries and young artists with great international projection at the moment. This is the second auction that we have organised at Redcollectors to benefit the ANAR Foundation. It is in our hands to make the suffering of these children and adolescents visible and we can all do something to change their reality. I hope that all art lovers will support the initiative as it is a unique opportunity to buy high-quality works of art for a good cause.”
For his part, Benjamín Ballesteros , director of programs at the ANAR Foundation, explained that “with the confinement, the situation of many children and adolescents who suffer domestic violence worsened seriously. At ANAR we made a great effort to continue helping them in this extraordinary situation. But with the 'new normal' the problems have not disappeared: we estimate that at least 76% of minors will continue to suffer the consequences of the pandemic. The ANAR Telephone has been declared an essential service for children but, on the other hand, it has not received funds to deal with the new situation. With the donation raised with the auction we will be able to help more minors who need us.”
Where:RedCollectors Instagram profile (@red_collectors)
Organized by : Redcollectors, Global Art, Around Art
Collaborators : ANAR Foundation
Date: September 17th between 6pm and 9pm
Prices: Between €300 and €3,000
Catalogue and bids: Bids will always be made after registering on the Redcollectors website
Art for Children is an event organized by RedCollectors, Arte Global and Around Art thanks to the generosity of 11 prestigious art galleries : Aurora Vigil, Cámara Oscura Art Gallery, F2, Freijo, Gema Llamazares, La Gran + Espacio Líquido, Lucía Dueñas, NF. Ponce+Robles, Rafael Pérez Hernando and Rosa Santos.
The works at auction are by young and established artists with international recognition , with prices ranging from 300 euros to 3,000 euros. The starting prices will be 30% lower than their market price in order to encourage people to buy art and help a noble cause. The pieces up for auction can be viewed on the online platform
Thanks to the generosity of several art galleries and artists, works by more than 40 artists will be auctioned online, such as Alba Escayo, Alvaro Gil, Ana de Alvear, Ana Laura Aláez, Angel Hurtado de Saracho – Saracho, Antonio Asis, Arancha Goyeneche, Avelino Sala, Belen Garcia Montoya – BegMont, Bonifacio, Cecilia de Val, Daniel Fernandez Jove, Ellen Kooi, Estefania Martin Saenz, Federico Miro, Felipe Ehrenberg, Flavia Robalo, Francisco Mayor Maestre, Guillermo Penalver, Hugh Mangum, Jesus Zurita, Job Sanchez, Johann Ryno de Wet, Jorge Hernandez, Jose Castiella, Juan Baraja, Juan del Junco, Juanli Carrion, Maillo, Manu Munoz, Maria Ortega Estepa, Maria Sanchez, Marina Nunez, Miki Leal, Pablo Bruera, Pipo Hernandez Rivero, Raul Diaz Reyes, Santiago Picatoste, Sergio Femar, Tony Catany and Verónica Vicente.
The auctioned works can be viewed on the website and bids can be reserved in advance. The auction and live bidding will take place on September 17 between 6pm and 9pm on theRedCollectors Instagram wall (@red_collectors) .
Anyone who wants to bid must have a digital paddle number that they will receive by email once they register on the Redcollectors website. On the 17th, they will be able to place their bid by adding their paddle number and bid in the comments of the work or works that interest them, which will be published on the profile wall. If someone outbids them, the Redcollectors team will inform them via DM or phone if necessary. The highest bid published on each work at 9pm will be the one to win it. There is also the possibility of making direct donations on the auction website thanks to the Zero Row .
Redcollectors also offers the option of bidding on behalf of the interested party for all those who wish to do so anonymously. To do so, it is necessary to contact the RedCollectors team via a DM on Instagram or by sending an email to
At the first auction to benefit the ANAR Foundation, Redcolletors managed to sell works of art worth more than 50,000 euros. All the works auctioned were sold, works of great quality and by artists selected by our art consultancy and with a starting price well below the market price to encourage art lovers to buy art and support this good and necessary cause. We hope that the same will happen this time given the quality of the works and the participation, for the first time in an auction, of such prestigious art galleries.
About ANAR Foundation
ANAR Foundation, a non-profit organization that, since 1970, has been dedicated to promoting and defending the rights of children and adolescents in situations of risk and neglect, in cases of physical or psychological abuse, bullying , cyberbullying , grooming , abandonment, sexual abuse, different types of violence, child pornography and prostitution.
RedCollectors is a project by Elisa Hernando, one of the most accredited voices in the world of art collecting in Spain and also founder of Arte Global , an international consultancy since 2003. It is the online platform for art advice and purchasing. Aimed especially at art lovers, collectors and gallery owners.
Redcollectors offers personalized purchasing advice to collectors and art lovers, as well as online access to exhibitions and 3D tours of prestigious art galleries and training through virtual meetings, the web and social networks. For galleries, it offers online promotion and visibility thanks to cutting-edge technology such as 3D tours and access to a broad community of buyers.
AUCTION Instagram Profile: