¿Qué son los artistas Blue Chip ? 3 claves para ser un experto en este concepto

What are Blue Chip Artists? 3 Keys to Becoming an Expert in This Concept

Mar 27, 2023

You may have heard of the term Blue Chip in recent years if you are a fan of art fairs or auctions or the art market in general. But do you really know the history of this concept?

In the art world, the term "blue chip" is used to refer to well-known artists who are profitable and who are expected to maintain or increase their economic value over time. This term is not generally used in the contemporary art world, but is a term that has become common among collectors who wish to invest. 

This category includes paintings by artists such as Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet. The Artprice100© index of top-tier artists increased by 3% in 2022.

Source: Artprice.com

The term 'Blue Chip' comes from the stock market and refers to a stock that sells at a high price due to public confidence in its long history of consistent profits.

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3 Keys to Becoming a Blue Chip Expert

1. Is it a good investment?

To know if blue chip artists are a good investment we have to take into account the general economic panorama. One of the most resilient markets is the art market, which has attracted a great deal of investment interest in recent years.

It may seem like investing in this type of art is a safe bet, but there are some risks that we need to be able to identify. First of all, we have to take into account one of its disadvantages, the scarcity of this type of works, which causes an increase in their price. Therefore, we can say that art is a market with some "heterogeneous" products, that is, no two works are the same, and fraud or counterfeiting can occur.

From RedCollectors, we recommend that to invest in Blue Chip artists we recommend going to first-class galleries or expert advisors on this subject.

2. Is it sound to invest in Blue Chip?

The solidity of this type of artist is one of the main advantages when you decide to invest in their works. We are talking about established artists, who over time have created a consolidated and clear art style, declared by professionals in the sector. Therefore, this type of work is a safe bet, since it is very difficult for its value to decrease over the years and on the contrary it is an investment with a great return in the long term.

3. Where to buy or see works by Blue Chip artists?

If we want to invest in established artists, to ensure that we are looking at works by "Blue Chip" artists, we can go to internationally established galleries, dedicated exclusively to this type of artists or to auctions. The list of Blue Chip artists is growing all the time, as are the number of private collectors.

If we simply want to see this type of works, many of which are of cultural interest, we can go to internationally recognised museums, where many of them are found, such as Pablo Picasso's Guernica or Van Gogh's Starry Night.

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