Mariona Berenguer - Overall 8
Biografía del Artista: Mariona Berenguer (b. 1992 Barcelona, Spain) lives and works in Berlin, Germany. She graduated with honors from the Massana School in Barcelona and with an Extraordinary Prize from the University of Fine Arts in Barcelona. Parallel to her studies, she taught Sculpture, Drawing and Modeling in various Art Centers. Taking conflict as a starting point, Mariona Berenguer explores spaces of tension in human existence -desire, loss, identity- and currently focuses on investigating how the new work culture affects creative processes while addressing the value and belief systems underlying it. In today's society, work has moved to the centre of human consciousness. Increased productivity and efficiency are seen as sources of self-esteem and self-fulfillment –as well as of self- exploitation. Against this background, Berenguer is developing a series of works that, from a poetic and critical perspective, questions what it means to be working as an artist in our contemporary society. This body of work embraces sculptural, textile, and graphic means.
The Overall project consists of collecting a multitude of overalls from different professions (construction workers, cleaners, artists, mechanics), and to unravel them into individual strips of fabric which are then sewn back together into wall tapestries. Standing both as a collective uniform and as personal protection, the overalls act as a reference to industrial labor and the workers’ bodies involved therein. Housing the energy, labor, and time invested in work, each of these pieces become a portrait and testimony of the person who wore it. As a product to be consumed and circulated on the market, the overalls may journey from one economic sector to another, but never leave the economic system itself.
Esta obra incluye un certificado de autenticidad. Un certificado de autenticidad es un documento de una fuente autorizada que verifica el valor de autentificación de la obra de arte. El certificado puede estar firmado por el autor de la obra, por la galería representante o por el grabador que colaboró con el artista en la obra.
La información que suele incluir un certificado de autenticidad es: nombre del artista, detalles de la obra (título, fecha, soporte, dimensiones) y una imagen de la misma.
- Mantener las obras de arte alejadas de la luz directa del sol y de cualquier otra fuente de calor (calefacción, aire acondicionado, etc.) Evitar colgar las obras cerca de zonas con humo y contaminación (como chimeneas o cocinas). Te aconsejamos proteger los cuadros con un marco de cristal.
- Evitar las alteraciones bruscas de temperatura. Se recomienda conservar las obras pictóricas en zonas con temperatura ambiente de entre 18-20º y un 50% de humedad relativa.
- Si se quiere iluminar la obra de forma permanente, aconsejamos utilizar focos de luz fría. Utilizar un plumero suave para la limpieza periódica de la obra. Nunca usar limpiador doméstico.
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